Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Main Story Board (JH)

Here is the main story board for our music video, these storyboards were created by Jess Higgs. The storyboards are label with the shots we are going to use and also where the scene will take place.
From our original ideas we had to change our story board as we went along because we had some complications for finding enough people to film, we didn't have props and the weather wasn't acceptable to film on the day we had planned even though we had planned shooting with our shooting schedule because it was easier to make it when everyone was available

The beginning of the music video will start with birds eye view of a boy who is isolated in the toilet eating his lunch,he is in the toilet eating is his lunch because he is getting bullied and has no where to go because of it. Theres no music at the start just silence this sets the scene of the music the video because the boy is alone and suffers in silence. Then it will go and zoom out into a low angle shot of the bully and his friend kicking the door of the outside of the toilet the victim is in.Then it will zoom out into a high angle shot of the pair smacking door of the cubicle toilet the victim is in. The camera will the go into the toilet and focus on the victim then he puts his hands on his head then we will relive his flash backs. During this e will not use any dialogue through our film but just the music of Katy Perry Roar to show using a narrative.
The flask backs will consist of shwoing  a long shot the bully skating through the corridor then passing by his friends and giving high five to one of them. The bully will then skate around the corner through a door into the next corridor where he sees is victimn and violently pushes him into the wall before skating off before it going onto the next scene.
The next scene will be set in the maths block showing the bully standing next to his friend talking but then he turns around as soon as he sees his victim. He will once again push the victim to the floor and also making him and his books going flying. The bully and his friend will then laugh at him for pushing him over and the victim will feel small and humiliated. We will show another low angle shot of the victim  picking up his books before fades into the next scene.

After this we will then pan back into the toilet scene before the victim opes the door and pushes the bully and goes running out of the toilets and into a class room kicking tables and chairs over tho show the anger from bullying that has built up inside of him. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Location Shots(JH)

Below are the locations shots for our film which is being filmed in Pencoed Comprehensive School.Jess  took these photoa around the school, these are the places where our film is going to be set. 

The shot is of a school class room where there will be bullying taking place and the teacher takes no notice of it happening.There will be paper thrown at the victim by the bully and his friend in the classroom.

This shot is of the school field where the victim fights back at the bully and pushes him full force and pushes him over onto the floor.

This shot is of the school toilets where the victim is isolated in the toilet hiding from the bully and his friends. The victim sits in the cubicle with the locked door, eating his lunch and crying this is where isolation theme will be mainly shown.

This shot is of the school corridor where the bully skates past on his skateboards around the corner towards the victim and then pushes the victim into the wall.

The majority of our film is going to be filmed on the school grounds and the filming is going to take place in different parts of the school.

Shooting schedule (KP)

Before we started shooting our film I made a shooting schedule on what scene we were filming and when and all the things we needed. This shooting schedule was created by Keira Pain

Shooting schedule
Resources and support.
1 toilet scene
School toilet (block 1)
Digital camera, tripod to take pictures behind the scenes.
Corridor scene where dan pushes Ashley into the wall
School corridor
(block 1
Dan, Ashley
Skateboard, hat
Digital camera, tripod, camera to take pictures behind the scenes.

Corridor scene where bully goes past and high fives a friend whilst skate boarding.
School corridor(block1)
Dan, Keira, Jodie
Skateboard, hat
Digital camera, tripod, camera to take pictures behind the scenes.

Maths block scene where Dan pushes over Ashley.

School corridor(mathsblock)
Dan Ashley, jodie
hat, books
Digital camera, tripod, camera to take pictures behind the scenes.

I decided to create a shooting schedule because we all had different times when we were free and was not free so I decided to organize a table showing when everyone one was free and when we were filming,what scene we were filming, the characters we needed and also the props we needed to start our video.

The Script (JP)

Here is our scipt for our film this script was written by Jodie Phillips (J.P)

1. Birds eye view School – boys toilets - cubicle

A grubby, unpleasant toilet with graffiti on the walls. Boy is in school uniform.

The young vulnerable boy is sitting in the cubicle eating his lunch as he sits there and cries.

2. Point of view - moments later

A shot looking down on the boys lap as you focus on self-harm scars on his arms, he then pulls his jumper down to cover them from himself.

3. High angle shot - outside of the cubicle

Shot from outside the cubicle, showing the rest of the toilet block.

The bullies have entered the toilet block and have realised who is in the cubicle, they then start kicking on the door and shouting abuse. 

4. Low angle shot - moments later

Shot of the bullies kicking on the door.

Low angled shot of the bullies kicking on the door with the sinks in the background. Looks intimidating.

5. Close up - moments later

A close up of the boys face as he cries, catching a shot of a tear running down his face.

6. High angle shot - flashback

Last shot fades into this shot to represent a flashback. Flashback scenes are also in black and white.

Numerous school children line the corridors as the young vulnerable child walks through; they all then push him back and forth in a ‘pinball’ motion.

7. Long shot/low angle - flashback

Still in the flashback scenes.

Bully is on his skateboard and is skating through the corridors.

8. High angle shot – flashback

Still flashback.

Bully skates past two girls who are his friends, they encourage him in his antics by high fiving him and he continues to skate past.

9. Two person shot – flashback

Still flashback.

Bully skates through a door while the vulnerable child walks through the door, towards him. The bully sees him and then pushes him into the wall as he skates past.

10. High angle shot/long shot - flashback

Still flashback.

Shot of a class in a classroom, the bully sits at the back while the vulnerable child is seated in the front. The bully and his friends then collaborate and laugh as the bully screws up a sheet of paper and throws it at the vulnerable child.

11. Extreme long shot - flashback

Still flash back.

Everyone is on the school field, the bully is with all his friends and the vulnerable child is on his own, the bully then kicks the ball at the young child and they all laugh at him.

12. Close up – reality

Back to reality in the toilet cubicle, the young boy is looking really depressed.

Shot of the young boy back in reality in the toilet cubicle, he is crying and looking depressed from the flashbacks of being bullied.

13. Medium/long shot – moments later

Bullies start harassing the young boy.

The main bully starts kicking and shouting on the cubicle door.

14. Close up – moments later

Close up of the boy’s expression

Close up of the young boys face showing a very angry expression as he realises he can’t take any more abuse.

15. Over shoulder shot – moments later

An over shoulder shot, looking over the bully’s shoulder, at the young boy.

The young boy barges out of the toilet cubicle and pushes past the bullies.

16. Group shot – moments later

Continuing on from the last shot.

A shot capturing the young boy barging past the group of bullies.

17. Long shot at eye level – moments later

Shot of the corridor that leads to the toilets.

A shot of the boy running through the corridor, away from the toilets and towards the camera.

18. Close up

Close up of a hand opening a door.

Shot of the young boys hand grabbing the door handle and running into a classroom to get away from everyone.

19. Long shot – moments later

The young boy is now in an empty classroom.

Shot of the young boy in a empty classroom, he runs to a table/chair and kicks it over in anger and frustration.

20. Panning shot – later on

Shot on the school field.

The young boy runs out on the school field and runs towards a group of bullies, who have found another victim, the young boy has clearly had enough of them.

21. Long shot – moments later

Still on the field, running towards the bullies.

Shot of the young boy taking his anger out and pushing the bully over.

22. Group shot – moments later

After the young boy pushes the bully over, the other bully victims come together to show they are no longer afraid.

After seeing the young boy face up to the bully, the other victims take strength from him and show encouragement.

23. Bids eye view – days later

The video takes a full circle and we are taken back to the toilet cubicle.

A shot looking over the cubicle door, showing a familiar looking person sitting on the toilet seat.

24. Medium shot – moments later

Still in the cubicle.

We see who is sitting in the cubicle and we find out that the former bully is now the isolated one sitting alone.

Props (KP)

Props done by me Keira Pain
Our initial plans for the props we were going to use only involved thee sandwiches being eating in the the toilet. Before we were going to use a football and sandwiches but we had some difficulties finding a football to use in the video on the day of filming.

The Skate board used in the music video shows the character of the bully to be a rebellious type of person by breaking the school rules by having a skate board on the school premise and by actually skating through the school corridors.

This photo is of a nutelle sandwich, this prop is ene in the opening scene for the music video of a boy eating lunch in the toilet. This shows isolation and that he has to go to eat his lunch in a quiet enclosed space to get away from the bullies

This is a photo of the hat which is worn by the bully in the music video. This hat represents he feel insecure about himself so he has to wear a hat to make him feel a big and to bully, without this hat he feel lost and he has a different personalty.

This is a photo of the books which were used in our music video. The books which were knocked out of the victims hand in the maths block by the bully pushing him over.