Tuesday 3 December 2013

Location Shots(JH)

Below are the locations shots for our film which is being filmed in Pencoed Comprehensive School.Jess  took these photoa around the school, these are the places where our film is going to be set. 

The shot is of a school class room where there will be bullying taking place and the teacher takes no notice of it happening.There will be paper thrown at the victim by the bully and his friend in the classroom.

This shot is of the school field where the victim fights back at the bully and pushes him full force and pushes him over onto the floor.

This shot is of the school toilets where the victim is isolated in the toilet hiding from the bully and his friends. The victim sits in the cubicle with the locked door, eating his lunch and crying this is where isolation theme will be mainly shown.

This shot is of the school corridor where the bully skates past on his skateboards around the corner towards the victim and then pushes the victim into the wall.

The majority of our film is going to be filmed on the school grounds and the filming is going to take place in different parts of the school.

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