Tuesday 3 December 2013

Props (KP)

Props done by me Keira Pain
Our initial plans for the props we were going to use only involved thee sandwiches being eating in the the toilet. Before we were going to use a football and sandwiches but we had some difficulties finding a football to use in the video on the day of filming.

The Skate board used in the music video shows the character of the bully to be a rebellious type of person by breaking the school rules by having a skate board on the school premise and by actually skating through the school corridors.

This photo is of a nutelle sandwich, this prop is ene in the opening scene for the music video of a boy eating lunch in the toilet. This shows isolation and that he has to go to eat his lunch in a quiet enclosed space to get away from the bullies

This is a photo of the hat which is worn by the bully in the music video. This hat represents he feel insecure about himself so he has to wear a hat to make him feel a big and to bully, without this hat he feel lost and he has a different personalty.

This is a photo of the books which were used in our music video. The books which were knocked out of the victims hand in the maths block by the bully pushing him over.

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