Monday 7 April 2014

Media Showcase

In school we have held a media showcase showing all the films for year 12&13 that we have made. I have produced a poster using clips from our film to advertise it around the school for people to come and watch. I also bought popcorn, lemonade and squash and set up a stall in the school selling these products.

Below is the poster I have created using photoshop to advertise our film to be shown at the media showscase that was held in school. I have taken screen shots from our film and put them on the poster so that the audience had an idea of what some of the film is going to be was going to be like.
Below is the poster I have created also using photo shop to advertise the refreshments which were available.The media showcase went very successful and we sold all the food that we bought in. For the media showcase we made a bit of profit selling the refreshments to the teachers, pupils, and invited guests, the profit we have made will be going to towards buying new equipment for the media department.

After the media showcase was over we interviewed some people asking them questions. The questions we asked them were.
1. Do you understand the concept and narrative of our music video?
2.Do you think the video raises awareness for bullying?
3. Is there any elements that you think we could improve on?

We decided to hold a media showcase so that everyone can see the range of different films that we had made over the following year. The year 12's had made horror/ thriller films but year 13's had made music videos based on different genres. I think the main reason that our media showcase was so sucessful because we stuck lots of posters around the school to advertise the event and the refreshments available draw people in giving the media showcase a professional movie premiere.

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