Saturday 29 March 2014

Final Magazines Cover

This is my final design for the CD magazine advertisement.
I have created using Photoshop. I have used these colours because I have also used these similar colours for my digipak to link them together. On the the CD magazine advertisement I have decided to include the website for the artist of the album belongs to. I havealso included the wesbite on my advert because I have looked at existing CD magazine advertisement have done so too. I have decided to put 'Download on itunes' on my Cd magazine advertisement because on the existing CD advertisements have done the same and I have gone with the convention of doing so. I have used bright colours for my titles because that is what I was aiming to do and because it is the completely the opposite of the music video we have created. The triangle on my CD magazine advertisement is on the advertisement this represents the name of the album which is called 'Prism' this is a code for the album because the name and the picture link together.

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