Friday 28 March 2014

Making of the Magazine

These were the first initial ideas for my magazine advertisement using photoshop. I wanted my magazine advert to be colourful.
For my first original plan for the making on my magazine advertisement I had chosen to do a colourful rainbow which would reflect to the colours from Katy Perry's album Prism.
Once I had started messing around with photo shop I decided I didn't like the idea so I decided to change it to a normal plane but sophisticated idea of having a simple background and border but having colour writing on the advert. Below were my first designs of my magazine advertisement I thought that these weren't the best start so I decided to scrap that idea.I had chosen a different photo for my advertisement more than once due to the fact that I wanted it to look sophisticated but effective.
Above are my first initial ideas for my CD advertisement which I decided to scrap because I though they didn't look professional 

After decided to scrap the ones above I then went onto making making a brand new one with a totally different idea but still including colour somewhere.
Firstly I then placed a photo onto the Photoshop after deciding which one I wanted. I place the picture into place leaving a little border around the photo for me to fill in later using the same black border as I used for my digipak. I believe that this idea was a better idea already because it is simple but effective at the same time.

I then went onto place black borders around my digipak to give it a bit of depth and to make it stand out more. Adding the borders it has already made a big impact to the whole CD advertisement with bold borders. The black border also the reflects the black clothing Jodie is wearing on my magazine advertisement, it compromises and makes it better as it stands out more.

I then placed the triangle which is featured on my digipak on my magazine advertisement, I decided to crop the white background that the triangle was based around and place it on the right hand side corner because it was space for it.

The triangle is the logo for the album from my digipak so I have made it much bigger on here showing it's importance to the whole advertisement. I then place the digipak into the middle of the triangle straightening it up to make sure it was straight. Showing the contrast of the black and white album to the slightly colour advertisement.

For the next stage for my digipak I moved onto the lettering where my first initial ideas was just to use a single colour the lettering for Katy Perry, but I changed my mind and decided to do a different colour for each individual letter to connote to the colours on the triangle.

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