Wednesday 26 March 2014

Online Cd Adverts (KP

You can get music in different ways I have researched in music Cd advertisements online. These adverts can appear on the beginning of the YouTube video or it can also pop up during the YouTube video. These cd advertisements can appear on social networking sites such as twitter and Facebook. On twitter these adverts can be promoted by the artists and appear on everyone's twitters even if they don't follow the artist. On Facebook these Cd advertisements will appear on the right hand side of the page. 

The colour of the writing of the adverts juxtaposes with the background and the picture which is featured on the advert.The design of the online adverts are eye catching which would make more people click on the advert more.

All these digital online CD advertisements promoting their new album all use very simple lettering in their advertisement. I am going to use similar simple writing in mine because I it will be to the convergence on Cd advertising  because it makes them quite effective and the CD advertisement looks more sophisticated. I have also noticed that on all the online digital CD advertisement list the whole song titles on the advert but If I was going to do the same I would also use the same simple titles for my own. On all the adverts they also advertise other websites such as iTunes,, Amazon and HMV this will not only help them out with their album but for the other websites which they have on their advertisements.This cross convergence I will plan on using on my CD magazine advertisement.
If I were to distribute my CD advertisement I would also create one these for more the marketing aspect of advertisement. I would do this because of the high percent of people who use social networking sites and will be more likely to see the advert and they will hopefully click on it if it appeals to them. Another reason if I were to distribute my product it would be for the audience, because lots of younger people use social networking sites and I would be in an advantage due to target audience I would be selling my advert too would be able to see it.

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