Thursday 13 March 2014

What is Cd Advertisement?

A CD advertisement is advert where you would find in a any magazine for the artist or band to promote their new album. CD advertisements don't really have a target audience it is for everyone because you would find adverts to advertisement their CD in any magazine. You would mainly find CD advertisements mainly in music based magazines such as Kerrang Magazine,Billboard magazine, NME magazine,Vibe magazine and Q magazine.

Kerrang magazine promotes the rock genre music as it is a rock genre based magazine. Kerrang magazines have cd advertisements and album reviews. These magazines also give out free posters with rock bands on them to promote the bands albums.

Vibe magazine promotes the rap genre music as the magazine is a rap genre based magazine likes the likes of Nicki Minaj who is featured on the front cover, who is a very successful female rap artist. This magazine promotes the new albums of Rappers both female and male artists. The album also shows album reviews and latest releases of the Rap genre and in the magazine it also features a section on new music videos being released.

NME magazine promotes the indie rock genre music due to the fact of Two Door Cinema Club being feature on the front cover. This magazine also promotes on the front of it exclusive tracks from the band the magazine. In NME magazines it advertises a lot of things about this type of genre and you could win things when you buy it.

This magazine is Q magazine which promotes the R&B genre music. This magazine shows the representation of the R&B genre through showing album reviews and upcoming new release of CD and music videos and when the songs will be available on iTunes and many other music selling website. Cross convergence through the magazine and the iTunes will benefit both parties.

This magazine is a BillBoard magazine which promotes the pop genre and many more other genres this magazine would come in use I where going to advertise my own digipak in this magazine because Katy Perry is on the front and to advertise her album would be perfect for me because of this. This magazine would be great for myself I were to advertise my digipak and to have my own CD advertisement in it due to the chart music being based around this magazine which benefit me also because people are more likely to buy things which are advertised alongside the chart music.

I have decided to look at the different type of genre magazines for further information for the distribution for my own CD magazine advertisement I am going to create.I feel if I were to actually distribute my own digipak and magazine advertisement in on of these magazines it would be 'Billboard' due to the popular demand of pop chart music these days.

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