Friday 15 November 2013


This is the Narrtive for our music video, for the music video my group and I have decided to make a music video to a very popular song by Katy Perry and the song is 'Roar' our video will consit of a young boy being bullied in school. We have decided to go along with this type of narrative as it goes well with the lyrics and the meaning will fit well with the song. 
'I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath'

Lyrics such as this shows how the young vulnerable boy isn't telling anyone about what he is going through and that he is keeping it all locked up inside.

'I am the champion and you're going to hear me roar'

These lyrics then represent how the young boy has taken too much, all of the anger that he has kept inside is going to explode. 

We have planned that the music video will start with a shot of the young boy in a toilet cubicle, eating his lunch all on his own, the cubicle represents the isolation that the boy is experiencing as he is being bullied. The bully's will then find out that the boy is in the cubicle and they will harass him by kicking on the door and shouting at him. The young boy will then have numerous flashbacks of times where he has been bullied. The flash backs will be represented by fading into shots of a different colour. After the boy comes back to reality he then decides that he cant take any more, he gets extremely angry in the toilets and then barges out to face everyone. After overcoming his fear, the music video comes back in a full circle so that the ending shot is back in the toilet cubicle, except this time, its the former bully who is eating his lunch all alone. 

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