Tuesday 26 November 2013

Making of the video (KP)

Photos taken by me (Keira Pain)
We stayed behind school to start our film the school was empty so we had to find people who were willing to give up their spare time to help us with our film. During the filming I took photos of behind the scenes of us filming in the action.Below are the photos I have taken of the behind action of our film. I decided take the photos in black and white as I thought this will bring out the bullying aspects to our film.

Here is Jodie telling her brother where stand and what to do with our film she is showing her brother what he has to do and the way he has to react when her bully goes past. 

This is a high angle shot of where the bully and his friend starts smacking the door in the video. In the reflection of the mirror you can see Jodie with story boards and Luke facing towards her as she is telling him what to do for this scene.

Another high angle of the toilet scene where Jodie is telling the boys what to do in this scene. Jodie is telling the boys what to act like for this scene using the story board to plan the scene out.  

This scene is showing how we got our high angled shots. We went through great difficulty climbing and position the camera and making sure we didn't have camera shake. Jodie is positioning the camera over the top of the toilet cubicle  filming the scene where the bully is in the toilet. Another photo showing  how we got the high angles in our film above opposite the other photo.
This photo is of the bully skating through the corridor in action. Dan the bully had to practice skating up and down the corridor till he got it right before we could start the filming.

This photo is of Jess setting up the camera on a tripod position it for our filming to start. We decided to film this scene first because we originally planned to film the toilet scene first but the cleaners were cleaning it so that is  why we filmed this part first.

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