Monday 18 November 2013

Orginal Ideas for Music Video

Our plans for the making process for our music video will be based on the theme of isolation and the realism of bullying which happens on a daily basis in schools and that is why we are planning on shooting our music video in a school. We are planning on making a music video on a narrative about bullying. In our group we have decided to create a music video on bullying because we have looked at existing videos which have influenced us to make a video on bullying because bullying has had an impact on many peoples life. We are planning on making a video on bullying to show the effects it can have on peoples lives due to bullying and I feel as we can make our video showing a message to people who have suffered from bullying or that has been a bully that they can get help or stop the bullying. 

As we are planning on using a school as the main location for our music video we will have to ask permission to film at our school. 
Our main ideas for our film are that there is going to be a boy who is sitting in a toilet cubicle eating his dinner because he is being bullying this scene we are planning on creating will show isolation.
Secondly we are planing on shooting a football scene where the victim gets pushed to the floor by the bully during the football game and gets laughed at by the fellow football players on the field.
We are planning on shooting a classroom scene where the bully and his friends through balls of paper at the victim and we will show the teacher choosing to ignore what is going on even though they saw what is happening.We will use over the shoulder shots in this scene because it is will show the emotion of the victim looking over his shoulder whilst we will see the paper flying at him.
We have also decided to shoot a corridor where the victim is walking past a bully and his friends and the bully pushes the victim over and all his books fall over the floor.
Last scene of the bullying we are planning on creating is where the bully chases the victim outside the school by doing this we are showing that bullying also happens outside of school.
After the build up of the bullying we are planning on shooting in our music video the victim in going to explode and fight back because he can't take the bullying anymore we are going to use fast cut to thew build up to it where the victim fights back at the bully and pushes him over, pushes him out of the way of the toilet cubicle and pushes things over in a class room.

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