Sunday 6 October 2013

Questionnaire on Music Video (KP) (JH)

I decided to create my own survey using survey monkey and asking different people to the one that our group have made. This is a questionnaire of music videos I have created on survey monkey below is the link to my survey. I have asked a number of different people for my survey because the results from my survey will be different to the one my group have created and the results will be reliable because there will be a range of different answers and opinions of what people music video type is.

Questions results 
Below is the group question results on music videos which was created by (Jess Higgs). We have asked a number of questions of the type of genre, type of video to help us to decide what genre music video we are going to create from the questionnaire results giving us a better audience feedback for our music video we are going to create.

From this questionnaire we have found out that it would be best if we make a video based around the target audience for 12 to 16 year old but for our target group to be pushed higher to 17 to 25 years old because it is closer to our own age. The majority of people said they like the pop genre and that is why we are planning on creating a video based around this genre as it will help with the our target audience perspective. By doing this it will influence with music track we will  use to create our video with because it wll appeal to age for our target audience, our results show that the pop genre is very popular and that is why we are going to look at chart music because it is very popular in today's society.

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