Friday 4 October 2013

Popular Music Promotion

Forms and Conventions
The forms and conventions are to refer to technical construction of a text, Media producers follow in order to make a particular kind of genre.It can be thought of as the kind of text. it can also be thought of as the grammar that enables a media to make grammar that enables a media to make sense. In the context of the popular music promotion, the forms and conventions can also be refereed to the generic conventions of music video, the stylistics features of a magazine advert or a television interview.

The main conventions of the music videos conclude:

Mise en scene- Costumes, props, performers, location, day, night

Editing- shot reverse, fast cut editing, colourful effects used to lighten the music up.

Lighting- Bright lights used, dark or light,black and white and inverted colours can be used to set a certain mood in the music videos.

Camera- Close up shots of singer and instruments if used, Dolly shots also tracking shots, Short takes and upbeat music, Long takes and slower music, Hand held authentic deliberately 'amateur'.

1 comment:

  1. Needs relabelling - Research : Codes and Conventions of a Music video.
    More also needs to be added, particularly with regard to editing. What did the Bohemian Rhapsody video introduce?

