Friday 11 October 2013

Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody

Audience-  Audience for this music video is for any age group because the fans in the video we see are of all ages so this suggests that the video is for any age group.

Genre- The genre of this video is Rock you can tell this type of video genre is rock because it contains a full band.

Narrative- The music video shows the band on their adventures on their tour on and off the road. There are clips showing the band performing at gigs, before going on stage and after and also travelling to their venues in cities. Even though that the band are always together on the road performing the song is about needing somebody, this connotes that they are lonely and need company of other people than themselves maybe they are missing family or friends or some female company.

Representation- The representation of rock in this music is shown by the clothing the band are wearing such as dark clothing and the lighting of the music video is dark. The fast moving life style of show after show alao shows the represention of rock.


Mise en scene - It starts with an overview of the skyline of New York City out of a hotel room at night, bright light city, full of light, lots of sky scrappers in site. The band dressed casual, laughing sitting down in a hotel room which may represent that they are tired and are always busy. Then the scene is set on moving traffic, red and white lights of both sides of the roads from the traffic, the band a tour bus on the road again moving to another venue or city to play at.

Editing- The video goes from fast moving shots from hotel, to road, to shows and repeats, the represents that they are on a cycle of doing the same thing every day, also represents that they don't have anytime to see other people such as family or friends. Fast pace editing.

Camera - The camera in the video is mainly based on the lead singer of the band but also shows the other band members from time to time. Panning shots over new York 

Institution- Kings of Leon are rock band they have been around since 2002 where they got signed and released an EP. The band consists of 3 brothers  and the cousin called Caleb Followill, Nathan Followill, Jared Followill and Matthew Followill. Kings of Leon are an  American band 
signed up to labels such as Sony Music, RCA, Columbia and Island.

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