Saturday 5 October 2013

Performance,Narrative&Concept Music Videos

Types of Music Video
There are few types of music videos Performance, Concept, Narrative and Animation & Mixture.

Performance- performance music videos either consist of an artist and or either a bands playing and performing.These videos can consist of the artists or bands stage presents or the the behind the scenes travelling busy life style. An example of this type of video is The Script If You Could See Me Now.

Concept-  concept music videos are concentrated on one single thing in the video, the focus of the video is based around a single thing or a person and it is shown through the whole video. The name of concept videos are basically in its name meaning of concept is 'structuralism is a difficult concept'.For an example of this video is the video Avicii Levels.

Narrative- a narrative music video consist of it a story based video. Narrative music videos are normally fast cut videos, narrative video also consist of lots of short cut in time with the music.The narrative sets the scene of story telling, narrative videos can be based around any story and usually have a sad or happy ending, but there will always be an ending and you wont be left with a cliff hanger. An example of this  type of video is Taylor Swift Love story.

Animation& Mixture-
These videos consist of animated moving videos using special programs to create these videos. These types of videos take longer to make than any other video because of all the timing, editing and planning that goes into creating the animations.

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